Hello and welcome to Algo Club 👋

My name is Alex and I am a software engineer. Yeah, a guy from IT. No, my office is not in the basement, I do speak with people, and, besides sweaters, my wardrobe has a lot of different clothes.

I’ve been procrastinating for a long time (definitely for a few years) before started doing something. Literally, I was so unsure about anything so it was a real challenge to even pick up a proper name. As you can see I’ve successfully accomplished this task and can continue to procrastinate for the next few weeks. Hooray 🎉

Although the name is pretty straightforward and obvious it reflects my love and true passion for the Algol programming language. Haha, just kidding! My true passion is algorithms. Nevertheless, I don’t wanna limit myself with any boundaries, sooooo, from time to time you may see articles far far away from algorithms or computer science. The main purpose of this blog is to help me improve my writing skills and master some sophisticated and interesting concepts from different areas of life and science.

Any programmer starts their path from “Hello world” - a small program that prints this greeting to the terminal. I am no different and gonna declare this post as my “Hello world” from the blogs and content creation world 😬

Just a few more thoughts. I am excited and glad to start this project. Hopefully, it will help me and you, my reader, to become a bit better!

Keep the spirit and see you!